Thursday, May 23, 2013

What is Drupal

Drupal is content management system software (CMS), which evolved into a systems framework which is free and open, distributed under GPL (General Public License). Development and maintenance is carried out by the thousands of user and developer community around the world. Drupal can be downloaded for free and can be used independently as well, thus allowing every person both individuals and communities to modify, publish, organize and develop various types of content on the website.

Drupal is modular and extensible, and trying to be made with clean code that is strict and give emphasis on collaborative work. Drupal core functionality is distributed with the base (core), and additional functionality can be obtained by activating the built-in module, or from third-party modules. Drupal is designed to be customized; customization can be done by overriding the core or by adding modules, not necessarily have to modify the code in the core code. Drupal design also successfully separates content management with management of presentation / display.

Building websites with Drupal is like combining together into various blocks or areas of a building that is sturdy and safe, yet flexible to adjust the conditions and needs. To make adjustments or development, then * you do not need to dismantle the house total manually, but can directly do so because of the foundation and the house is so sturdy and removable plug.

Drupal can be used to establish an internet portal, a personal website, blog department, or company, * e-commerce sites, directory of resources, * newspapers online, social networking sites, * picture gallery, intranet, and almost all other types of sites web that you can imagine.

A team of special security (Security Team) seeks to maintain and ensure safety by responding to the threat of Drupal and routinely issued security updates. A nonprofit organization called the Association of Drupal (Drupal Association) to improve the infrastructure supporting the website and organizing conferences and events Drupal developer community meeting the other.

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